8 Friends You Have Definitely come across

1-Dragon Mouth Friends (Fire-Fire-Fire)

when ever these types of friend call you and….

  • tell you how bad you are coz you are not intrested to talk to her. 
  • You have changed
  • I am throwing a party coming Sunday and I know you will ditch me 
  • If I do not call you for 10 days and you even not feel to text me once
  •                                 (get it, I don’t want to talk)
  • I am your old friend but you hang around with your new friends

2- Complaining one

  • Ahh these types of friends will never understand I am not a princess I have problems too. These types of friends starts with ….
  • Have you seen the roads so hard to drive
  • (she never will go out to pick her kids from school, poor husband will do the favour as always)
  • My mom called and gave me hard time talking about my rude kids
  • Child benefit funds are not enough
  • Grocery price is going sky high
  • Why we have to cook and clean everyday
  • This government is not fair 

                                       Blah Blah Blah

3- All time depressed friends

This type is very tricky to handle

This type goes….

  • I am broke
  • My mother in law ruined my life
  • My friend is coming for lunch and I am sad for my mom’s sick cat
  • My boyfriend does not like me anymore (Crying)
  • My sister got divorce 

4- Bossy friends

This type take-over on every thing

Tells you….

  • We are going to eat tuna fish that’s all
  • Ok I told you we are just going to the Lake
  • why you were not picking my call
  • We are going to watch the movie I text you
  • Wear blue tomorrow 
  • Buy me food

5-Gossiping friends 

This the most anoying type, this type of friend knows everything about everyone.

She says….

  • Did you hear Angel got married to a boy who is 4 years younger to her
  • I went to a dinner and oh my God they had served very spicy food and it was not even warmed-up 
  • My friend bought a new car and guess what its colour is so bright (Yuck)
  • My friend’s husband forgot her birthday

6- Sneaky friends

  • What did you cook today
  • Where did you go for shopping
  • How much you pay for your purse
  • I saw you in the mall what were you buying
  • What did your husband is taking you for trip

7-Angel from outside and devil from inside 

This is world’s worst type

This type always stay happy and well spoken but inside there is another fight is going on in them.This type of friends you will find in every friends circle

  • Oh yeah this looks very good on you
  • I was worried about you
  • She lies that she is so close to you and then stabs you 
  • She admires your cooking in-front of you but when you turn, she makes faces 

8- Best one

This type is so close to your heart

  • Best of all she is non-judgmental
  • Loves you for you
  • She respects you and others
  • She is Genuine
  • She is a good listener
  • She knows what to say and what not to
  • She cares about your feelings
  • She is honest/trust worthy
  • She always concerned about you
  • She share her problems too but give you time to breath 😉
  • She share happy stuff
  • She brings happiness in your life
  • She encourage you when you really need it
  • She understand you are lazy on weekends
  • If you cancel anything at very short period of time
  • If you can not make it for dinner at her place
  • If you don’t reply to her texts
  • She understands you if you don’t pick her call

My friends….

  • I am blessed to have an awesome group of friends
  • I am blessed my friends have so many good qualities 
  • My friends are my strength and my happiness
  • Hanging out with them is always a pleasure 

If you Know any of this type please leave a message and share your thoughts.





246 thoughts on “8 Friends You Have Definitely come across

      1. Yeah you are very right … you won’t trust me but I try to stay in my shell when I am stressed out…. just not to bother my friends and family!😂😂😎😎👧👧

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We all deal with stress and anxiety in different ways Anju. Sometimes it’s the right thing to do to share your problems if they get too big for you to handle on your own. Other times, maybe you can manage on your own . There is no ‘correct’ way.
        Btw, I do trust you! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. U r 100% right that’s how I think we all are different like my friends can not hide and me on the other hand can not share …. and yes it is not about right and wrong ….it’s about the way we deal situtions😉😉…. thank you so much for your time and beautiful thoughts!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Anju
    Your name is beautiful, I don’t think I’ve heard before. I believe it’s great to be different, don’t put up with fake friends, fake smiles, unhealthy people. I’m much older now and spent many years being manipulated by the types you mention in your post. It’s hard to always stay clear of, very easy to see and easier to walk away from. Negative energy brings us down, brings a funk to our life we don’t need, the type to pee on your parade. You write about interesting topics. I want to thank you for following my blog, not sure how you found me or why you follow, hope you find something helpful or interesting to read.
    Have a great day.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ahh My full name is Anjum it is an Arabic name given by my lovely dad, means star* hehe …. and I love my name….I just learn in few years from not so good experiences that we have to be very honest to ourselves not to let others interfair our believes,habits, liking and disliking. No mater we are right or wrong in others eyes. I stop going to those who brings out evil side of me hehehe.. We can not change others but we can develop many good things in our personalities. I stop worrying about others, I just focus on myself how can I be a better person. (easy peasy)
      I found you when I was looking for something I can’t remember what ….
      thank you so much for your detailed message.
      God keep us healthy

      Liked by 2 people

  2. The always negative friends are those that really drain me. I try to bring them to see that the world isn’t out to get them and that there are so many bright spots in this life, I’m not always successful but I try. Either way I feel emotionally drained afterwards….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sorry to say but some time we have to let go some people from our life …. because they will never change .. and why we suffer. .. if they r willing to change than its OK to put ur efforts other wise ignore them…if they ask for help them.respect them ..

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Bonjour

    Quelle belle histoire entre nous

    Je t’envoie un bouquet de fleurs

    Chargé de parfum que ta demeure soit embaumé de celui-ci
    Comme guidé par un vent d’amour , les anges viennent te protéger
    Je te souhaite une belle semaine
    Ici le temps est beau

    Pour toi en guise de mon Amitié

    Une douce pluie de tendresse et de bisous


    Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes and nominate 3 people every day(no repetition)..
        You can share your own quote our the quotes you love….For more info visit my post for 3 days 3 quotes challenge day 3…Good Luck..


  4. Anju… Thank you for following my blog today, you made me so happy as you are my 200th follower.. So, I made a little post thanking you on my blog and asked for my friends to give your beautiful blog a look.. Take care, Laura

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ☺doesn’t work for me I need people around..to talk to listen to them..I can not imagine my life without others… some times I do take breaks not to pick calls but at the end I go back ☺


  5. That’s quite a list. Well written. 🙂
    As much as I want to agree and disagree, at the end of the day, I still don’t have much friends, the ones who truly matter.


      1. Friends would be too far of a word. I think I know people who know me. I don’t have a word for it, may be called acquaintance? 😐


  6. Bonjour ou bonsoir

    Ce jour au soir deux étoiles

    Vont tomber du ciel

    Une sera remplit de sagesse

    L’autre sera chargé de tendresse

    Au loin dans le ciel une brille , celle de notre pacte d’amitié

    Je te souhaite une merveilleuse journée ou soirée

    Tiens au passage je te chante une mélodie , celle de mon cœur

    Bisous , Bernard

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I cant deal with the depressed ones because they take advantage of my big heart.

        Sneaky ones are definitely worse than depressed ones though. I hate sneaky and nosey people in general though.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello,
    Pleasure to meet you and thank you for visiting my blog page and having a follow, not to mention the likes! I appreciate the support, and look forward to reading your blog post as well.


    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ll take number 8. Definitely that is the friend that I want to have all of my life. I guess your post can relate to my latest post: https://nbrijay.com/2016/11/05/the-good-samaritan/ – If you have time, stop by my blog and read it, tell me what you think. What kind of friend do you believe Antonio was? And by the way, I enjoy your articles and thank you for adding me to your blogger network, I look forward to read more of your work. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh Ya Ya. We all come across these types of Friends. That’s why, when we say we have a Best Friend, make sure, she is Category 8.
    I wrote on How to be a Good Friend. It matches a bit with yours.


    1. U must b super experienced in term of dealing with all type of human! Every good and not so good experience always teach us a lesson ..a lesson to lean and follow….
      U r welcome


    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂if they r #1-7 they hardly b #8………… trust me # 8 is opposite of all numbers ….. yeah # do have few 1-7 but #8 is way different them all.

      Liked by 1 person

    Je t’emmène du bonheur
    il est à côté de toi
    Surtout ne bouge pas
    Tiens ! il s’est glissé dans ton sourire
    Oh ! Le voilà dans ta belle demeure
    Pour embellir ta journée de joie et que ta soirée te soit de tout repos
    Pour toi je me dis que c’est la meilleure raison
    Alors partageons ensemble ce bonheur avec tous ceux que l’on aime et que l’on apprécie
    Regarde il brille soit comme le soleil au lever du jour ou une étoile dans la nuit
    Que Ce Bonheur restent l’histoire d’un beau jour
    Je te souhaite
    Une très belle journée ou une belle soirée

    Bisous Bernard Ton Ami


    Liked by 2 people

  11. This is beutifully written down to the last word. I have come across all of these types, and some of them, more than once.im glad you’ve found a great group of friends Anju! I have too I’m proud to say. Your posts come strange but from the heart and I admire that.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Bonjour mon Amie ou Ami du Net ANJU

    Un petit coup de pouce pour l’avenir
    Un petit mot que l’on dis régulièrement tous les jours.
    Bonjour comment vas-tu , moi ça vas , merci
    Ce sont des petits mots qui font plaisir à entendre et d’une belle sincérité
    Une grande marque de confiance
    C’est du soleil en abondance
    Si tu leur donnes un sens

    On ressent que ceux-ci viennent du cœur
    Avec un clin d’œil moi je te les adresse
    C’est la recette du bonheur accepte les moi je les prends en régal pour ce jour

    Belle journée , gros bisous plein de douceur


    Liked by 2 people

    1. No one is perfect our friends have errors just like us! What I do I enjoy their good habits and ignore their not so good habits.. I try to be number 8 so my friends can say proudly that we have a good friend. 🙈😜🙊🤣

      Liked by 1 person

    1. To be very when I was typing this blog there many (not so good) family in my brain.
      Off course you can deal any kind of friend buy not picking their call but we can not do anything who can ring our door bell 🔔 (relatives)
      Bad family members are way far toxins than friends:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. SURE 🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍰🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦

        Liked by 1 person

  13. All these “friends” and friends are on our way to adulthood.As we mature, list of friends decreases, because we get to know the importance of having peace in our lives and get away from the drama. Great post. Made me smile.

    Liked by 2 people

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